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Q: Why was the independence movement in most of Latin America was conservative?
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The independence movement in Latin America was spearheaded by who?

The Creoles

Who led an independence movement in Latin America?

The Creoles

What role did Creoles play in independence movement in latin America?

Creoles were the ones that had most rights in Latin America and therefore, they were the ones that led independence movements.

Which event most directly to independence movement in Latin America?

The intendancy system

Who was the Liberator and led Latin America to independence?

Simon Bolivar led Latin America to its independence. He's considered the liberator of Latin America. He urged independence to the rest of the Latin American countries, and was successful in doing so.

What was the impact of the independence movement in the United states on Latin America?

Creole elites viewed it as a horrible example of social upheaval

Is Latin America conservative?

It depends on what you mean by "conservative". On general terms, yes Latin Americans are more conservative than their American counterparts.

What led directly to the independence movement in Latin America?

The Peninsular Wars, when France led by Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and Portugal.

What event directly led to the independence movement in Latin America?

The Peninsular Wars, when France led by Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and Portugal.

How was Latin America inspired by America?

we helped them gain their independence

What role did creoles play in independence movements in latin America?

Creoles were the ones that had most rights in Latin America and therefore, they were the ones that led independence movements.

Who was the independence movement in Latin America speared by?

In Mexico and Central America, Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo (1753-1811) is considered the starter of such movement, while the South American war of independence was won by liberators Jose de San Martin (1778-1850) and Simon Bolivar (1783-1830).